Endometrial Thickness Scan – At a Glance
- An ultrasound scan to evaluate the thickness of the endometrium
- Also evaluates: Uterus and ovaries
- Transvaginal Scan
- Confirm pathology within the female pelvis
- General Reassurance
- No GP referral is required
- Same time digital results
- Fully qualified NHS sonographers
- No full Bladder is required
- Only £159
- Book Online or over the phone
Genuine 5 Star Google Reviews
The endometrial thickness pelvic scan is a diagnostic ultrasound scan exam to evaluate the condition of the endometrium. It is normally offered if you or your doctor suspects problems with the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium.
What is the purpose of this endometrial thickness scan?
The gynaecology ultrasound scan includes evaluation of:
- Your uterus (womb)
- The lining of the uterus (endometrium)
- Ovaries
- Adjacent pelvic structures
The endometrial thickness pelvic scan is a diagnostic ultrasound scan exam to evaluate the condition of the endometrium. It is normally offered if you or your doctor suspects problems with the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium.
What is the purpose of this endometrial thickness scan?
The gynaecology ultrasound scan includes evaluation of:
- Your uterus (womb)
- The lining of the uterus (endometrium)
- Ovaries
- Adjacent pelvic structures
Book your Private Pelvic Scan Online
Use our online booking system to choose the most suitable day and time for you.Only £159
(£39 deposit is required)Reasons for having this scan include:
- Pelvic pain
- Endometriosis
- Irregular, frequent or heavy periods
- Absent periods
- Vaginal bleeding after menopause
- Infertility
- Painful intercourse
- History of fibroids
- Ovarian cysts
- Polycystic ovaries
- Bloating
- Abnormal blood tests
- Detection of some tumours & cancers
- Discomfort
- Spotting between periods
- Detect fibroids
- Endometrial polyps
- Coil (IUD) position
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Endometrial thickness
- Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy
What is included with this ultrasound scan?
- Ultrasound report and, if needed, a follow-up recommendation.
This is a transvaginal scan and requires no preparation other than an empty bladder.
What should I expect during the transvaginal scan?
After you empty your bladder, you will be asked to remove your trousers/skirt and your underwear. You will lie on the examination couch, cover yourself with the cover provided, and a small transducer will be inserted into the vagina. This internal ultrasound scan is similar to a gynaecology exam, but the ultrasonic transducer is however significant smaller than a speculum used in a Pap test.
The transducer will be covered with a protective cover a small amount of gel will be placed on the tip and will be inserted into the vagina. Only a few inches of the transducer will be inserted into the vagina. The transducer will be moved in different directions to obtain the best images.
What will I experience during and after the TV ultrasound scan procedure?
Although the transvaginal/internal examination is usually performed to find a cause for pelvic pain, the sonogram itself should not be painful, but you might feel a tiny amount of discomfort and pressure. An internal ultrasound scan is usually more comfortable and better tolerated than a gynaecological examination.
These ultrasound scan examinations are usually completed within 10 minutes.
After an ultrasound scan examination, you should be able to resume your normal activities immediately.
Read more about the transvaginal scan.
How much is the endometrial thickness scan in London?
We believe that ultrasound scans should be affordable and the cost of the scan in London should not be a limiting factor on your decision of getting a faster diagnosis and better and quicker treatment. You will, therefore, find the price of our private ultrasound surprisingly affordable.
Price: £159.00
Frequent Questions
Booking an appointment at International Ultrasound Services for a pelvic ultrasound scan is simple. We should be able to arrange an appointment at a convenient time for you. Same day appointments might also be available if you need your scan results quickly.
We will provide a full ultrasound report with your results that you will be able to share with your GP or other healthcare professionals.
Do you need a private Pelvic ultrasound scan?
Book your scan Now.
Medically Reviewed by Tareq Ismail Pg(Dip), BSc (Hons)
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