Ultrasound Abdomen and Pelvis
Abdominal and Pelvic Ultrasound Scan – At a Glance
- Ultrasound Scan of the whole female abdomen
- Includes Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, kidneys, spleen, Uterus, Endometrium, Ovaries
- For Generalised Abdominal health complaints
- Abdominal and Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan
- No GP referral is required
- Same time results to take away
- Fully qualified, experienced NHS sonographers
- Fasting and a full bladder is required
- Same-day appointments are usually available.
- Only £239
- Book Online or over the phone
Genuine 5 Star Google Reviews from 100+ patients
The abdominal and pelvic ultrasound scan is a combination of two ultrasound scans: the abdominal, the pelvic/gynaecology and the urinary ultrasound scan. This ultrasound examination will examine all the abdominal organs visible on ultrasound scanning.
Reasons for having an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound scan include:
- Generalised abdominal discomfort and pain
- Abdominal bloating
- Abnormal liver function tests
- Follow up on previous findings such as cysts, gallstones, polyps, kidney stones
- Abnormal Blood Tests
- Tumours & Cancers
- Vomiting
- Discomfort
- Fatty Liver
- Anaemia
- Yellow Skin (Jaundice)
- Inflammation
- Polyps
- Cysts
- Pain in the loins
- Blood in the urine
- Detect ascites
- High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
- Pelvic pain
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
Book your Private Ultrasound Scan Online
Use our online booking system to choose the most suitable day and time.Only £239
(£39 deposit is required)What is the purpose of this scan?
This ultrasound scan includes evaluation of:
- Liver
- Pancreas
- Gallbladder
- Spleen
- Kidneys
- Bladder
- Your uterus
- The lining of the uterus (endometrium)
- Ovaries
- Adjacent pelvic structures
Preparation for this ultrasound scan?
For this ultrasound scan, you are required to fast for at least 4 hours (if you are diabetic, you may have a sugary supplement if needed). Clear fluids, for example, water, are allowed. We will also need your bladder full, so please drink 2 pints of water one hour before your scan. On occasions, a transvaginal scan might be required in order to further evaluate the pelvic organs.
What should I expect?
Before the abdominal ultrasound scan, our sonographer will explain the examination procedure.
Before the ultrasound scan, our sonographer will explain the examination procedure.
You will be asked to lie on your back and expose your upper abdomen.
A small amount of water-based gel will be applied to your skin. The gel will help the transducer to make good contact with the skin. The ultrasound transducer will be placed on the body and will be moved in different directions over the area of interest to obtain the required information/ultrasound images.
There is usually no discomfort from pressure as the transducer or probe as otherwise known, is pressed against the area being examined. However, if scanning is performed over an area of tenderness, you may feel pressure or minor discomfort from the transducer.
Once the ultrasound imaging is completed, the clear ultrasound gel will be wiped off your skin. Any portions that are not wiped off will dry quickly. The ultrasound gel does not usually stain or discolour clothing.
Transabdominal Scan:
Before the ultrasound scan, our sonographer will explain the examination procedure.
You will be asked to lie on your back and expose your lower abdomen.
A small amount of water-based gel will be applied to your skin. The gel will help the transducer to make good contact with the skin. The ultrasound transducer will be placed on the body and will be moved in different directions over the area of interest to obtain the required information/ultrasound images.
There is usually no discomfort from pressure as the transducer or probe as otherwise known, is pressed against the area being examined. However, if scanning is performed over an area of tenderness, you may feel pressure or minor discomfort from the transducer.
Once the ultrasound imaging is completed, the clear ultrasound gel will be wiped off your skin. Any portions that are not wiped off will dry quickly. The ultrasound gel does not usually stain or discolour clothing.
Transvaginal Scan:
After you empty your bladder, you will be asked to remove your trousers/skirt and your underwear. You will lie on the examination couch, cover yourself with the cover provided and a small transducer will be inserted into the vagina. This internal ultrasound scan is similar to a gynecologic exam but the ultrasonic transducer is however significant smaller than a speculum used in a Pap test.
The transducer will be covered with a protective cover a small amount of gel will be placed on the tip and will be inserted into the vagina. Only a few inches of the transducer will be inserted into the vagina. The transducer will be moved in different directions to obtain the best images.
Before the ultrasound scan, our sonographer will explain the examination procedure.
You will be asked to lie on your back and expose your upper abdomen.
A small amount of water-based gel will be applied to your skin. The gel will help the transducer to make good contact with the skin. The ultrasound transducer will be placed on the body and will be moved in different directions over the area of interest to obtain the required information/ultrasound images.
There is usually no discomfort from pressure as the transducer or probe as otherwise known, is pressed against the area being examined. However, if scanning is performed over an area of tenderness, you may feel pressure or minor discomfort from the transducer.
This ultrasound examination is usually completed within 20-30 minutes. After an ultrasound examination, you should be able to resume your normal activities immediately.
Price: £239.00
Other Ultrasound Scans for Women we offer:
We offer a large selection of ultrasound scans for women in London.
Frequent Questions
Booking an appointment at International Ultrasound Services for a pelvic ultrasound scan is simple. We should be able to arrange an appointment at a convenient time for you. Same day appointments might also be available if you need your scan results quickly.
We will provide a full ultrasound report with your results that you will be able to share with your GP or other healthcare professionals.
Do you need an ultrasound scan??
Book your scan Now.