Private Carotid Arteries Ultrasound Scan
Carotids Ultrasound Scan – At a Glance
- An ultrasound scan to exclude carotid pathology
- No GP referral is required
- Same-day digital results
- Fully qualified, experienced NHS sonographers
- No preparation is required
- Same-day appointments are usually available.
- Only £189
- Book Online or over the phone

Genuine 5 Star Google Reviews from 100+ patients
The Carotid Ultrasound Scan
Ultrasound of the carotid arteries is used to evaluate the main arteries of the neck that feed oxygenated blood to the brain. Sometimes, these vital arteries can be narrowed due to a build-up of plaque. Narrowing of the vessels can increase the risk of stroke.
A carotid ultrasound scan can show if there is narrowing or blockages in the neck arteries leading to your brain.
According to the NHS Choices: When carotid ultrasonography is needed, it should happen within 48 hours and this is why our clients do not want to wait for an NHS ultrasound appointment as the earlier diagnosis can lead to early treatment and sometimes save lives.What is the purpose of this scan?
The Carotid Arteries scan includes evaluation of:
- Common carotid artery
- Internal carotid artery
- External carotid artery
Book your Private Ultrasound Online
Use our online booking system to choose the most suitable day and time.Only £189
(£39 deposit is required)Reasons for having a carotid artery ultrasound scan:
- Family history of stroke or heart disease
- High cholesterol
- Recent stroke
- Known coronary artery disease
- Diabetes
What is included with this scan?
- Ultrasound report with images and, if needed, a follow-up recommendation.
Preparation for this scan?
- No preparation for this ultrasound scan is necessary.
What should I expect?
Before the scan, the sonographer will explain the examination procedure. You will be asked to lie on the examination couch and expose your neck. We will put a little warm jelly on your skin and a small ultrasound probe will be used to obtain images of your carotids. Sometimes you might hear a pulsating sound coming out of the scanner. This is nothing to worry and it what is called Doppler ultrasound.
During and after the examination our sonographer will explain the findings and an ultrasound report will be issued to take away with you.
Price: £169.00
Other Private Scans we offer:
We offer a large selection of MSK ultrasound scans in London.
Frequent Questions
Booking an appointment at International Ultrasound Services for a pelvic ultrasound scan is simple. We should be able to arrange an appointment at a convenient time for you. Same day appointments might also be available if you need your scan results quickly.
We will provide a full ultrasound report with your results that you will be able to share with your GP or other healthcare professionals.