If your doctor has referred you to your local NHS hospital for an ultrasound scan, you are probably aware that ultrasound waiting times can be long, and sometimes you will have to wait 6 weeks or even more for an NHS scan.
If you do not want to wait for this long, you might consider having a private ultrasound, and obviously, the first thought is to look for a private NHS scan.
Is this, however, your best option?
Private ultrasound Scan Options
If you are looking to pay for a private scan, you have the following options:
- NHS Hospital
- Private Hospital
- Private Ultrasound Clinic
What are their advantages and disadvantages?
NHS Hospital
- You will be visiting your local NHS hospital, and therefore you can be reassured you will be scanned by an expert in the field.
- Minimal waiting time
- You will need a doctor’s referral to arrange your appointment
- There is no guarantee that you will be scanned by an expert in the field
- The cost of the scan will be significantly more than a private local clinic
- Limited flexibility in choosing your appointment time and date
- The report will be sent to your doctor
Private Hospital
There is a large number of private hospitals spread around the UK offering diagnostic ultrasounds, amongst other tests.
- You will be scanned by an expert in the field.
- More flexibility in choosing your appointment times.
- No waiting or minimal waiting time
- The cost of the scan can be very high
- You will need a doctor’s referral to arrange your appointment
- There is no guarantee that you will be scanned by an expert in the ultrasound field
- The report will be sent to your doctor
Private Ultrasound Clinic
If you decide to look for a local private ultrasound clinic, you might be surprised at the number of private providers available, especially in London.
- You will be scanned by an expert in the field.
- You can choose the best time and date for your appointment to suit your lifestyle.
- No waiting time – sometimes, you can have your appointment on the same day
- Competitive Pricing
- No need for a doctor’s referral
- Results and reports will be given to you, most often at the same time.
- You will need to research the clinic reviews to ensure they do not offer suboptimal service and have a good reputation.
You might also want to read our blog article about using a reputable clinic for your ultrasound test.
How to book a private ultrasound scan in the NHS?
To book a private scan at your local hospital, you should ring the private ultrasound scan reception at your local hospital. You can do this by ringing the hospital switchboard and asking to be connected.
Alternatively, you can look at the hospital website to see if you can find a direct number.
How much is a Private NHS Ultrasound Scan?
The cost of private NHS scans varies depending on the location of the hospital and the organ examined.
It can, however, be very expensive; for example, a private abdominal scan in a London NHS hospital can cost £400-£500. Compare this with the cost of our private abdominal scan, which is only £149.